Cheating in Thumb Wrestling Matches – How We Stop It
Cheating in thumb wrestling outside of official world championship matces was generally not taken seriously as it’s likely a casual and informal game. The most common cheats used by cheaters while thumb wrestling are:
1. Using too much arm strength in order to pin the opponent’s thumb down – just being unnecessarily aggressive
2. Using the fingers to hold the opponent’s thumb down
3. Grabbing the opponent’s hand in order to pin the thumb
4. Having long thumb Nails or even sharpening thumb nails into sharp points to savege opponents – ok a little drastic… but we’ve seen it.
In official world thumb wrestling matches the above cheats are overcome by the use of an official hand-crafted wooden thumb wrestling ring, where each opponent grips a handle under the ring and pops their thumb through the whole in the ring canvas so that only their thumbs pertrude into the thumb wrstling ring. This stops fingers coming into play and hand grabbing cheat techniques. Using arm stretgh is negated in World Thumb Wrestling matches as each player must ensure their elbows are touching surface at all times. This focuses the core strentgh needed for thumb wrestlers as the wrist and thumb.
In official Thumb Wrestling Matches we have fully trained referees who help whilst reaffirming the official matchplay rules are on the look out for any cheating and cheats will be disqualified!
It is important to remember that the main point of thumb wrestling is to take excercise and have fun and not to cheat. If you are playing with someone and they are cheating, you can simply call out their behavior and remind them of the thumb wrestling rules. If it persist, it’s better to not play with that person, as the goal is to have fun and not to create an unfriendly environment.
Also, keep in mind that if you’re playing with someone who is much stronger than you, don’t be afraid to adjust the rules or play in a way that’s fun and fair for both players.